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Brand new Hobie Getaways have arrived

Hobie GetawaysOur entire fleet of Hobie 16s have been replaced with 10 brand new Hobie Getaways. The Hobie Getaway was chosen to replace our Hobie 16s after much research and testing. These fun boats are much more comfortable, user-friendly to sail, simpler to set up, and more durable than our previous catamarans which lasted us many years. 

The Hobie Getaway is incredibly fun to sail with friends or family and we have already received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Our students and instructors find the Getaways to be non-intimidating boats to sail while offering plenty of performance for those seeking the excitement of fast sailing on Mission Bay.

Check out this short tutorial on how to rig and sail MBAC’s new Hobie Getaway.

Students who were checked off to rent a Hobie 16 with us have automatically been checked off on the new Hobie Getaway.  If you are not yet checked off on a catamaran at MBAC, you can become qualified to rent the new Getaway by completing our Hobie Cat Sailing class or by scheduling a private lesson.

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