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Five reasons to learn to row in 2017

Rowing at sunriseStill searching for that perfect way to tackle all of your New Year’s resolutions?  Whether you want to be more active, meet new people, or find opportunities to use the #optoutside hashtag, our Sweep Rowing class package is the perfect option for people looking to make changes that are lasting and meaningful.  Offered only three times a year, the upcoming Sweep Rowing series can kick your resolutions from ideas into action.

Starting February 4th, the series can be purchased as a package that includes Sweep Rowing Levels 1,2, and 3 and will save you up to $118!  At the end of the series of classes you should be ready to join one of the local area community rowing clubs.

Sweep Rowing Class

Here’s five reasons signing up for MBAC’s Sweep Rowing classes will enhance your 2017:

  1. Rowing is a team sport.  You will work together to grow as rowers and hold each other accountable.
  2. Once you get the swing of things you will really enjoy your workout on the water!
  3. At the end of this series of classes you will be ready to join one of the local community rowing clubs.
  4. Our pristine San Diego weather is the envy of rowing clubs all over the nation.  No frozen lakes or fingers here.
  5. Signing up for the package is an investment in YOU because you’re holding yourself accountable to your goals.

The next series of classes start in late spring, so don’t wait when you can start today!

Check out the schedule and register today at

Sweep Rowing

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