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MBAC Stories: Melissa Cochran

Melissa Cochran ScullerWhen Melissa Cochran was gifted a rowing class from her daughter and son-in-law for her birthday a few years ago, she never imagined she would find a life-long passion and love for rowing on Mission Bay.  She continues to rent a rowing shell weekly where she finds tranquility and a peacefulness on the water that help drown out her stress. 

Melissa Sculling

A retired professor, when Melissa witnessed the USA women’s rowing team win the 2012 Olympics she was drawn to learning the sport. She discovered that she could take classes at Mission Bay Aquatic Center and when gifted a class was quick to sign up for the Sculling Level 1 class.  After completing the class, she was qualified to rent the single rowing shell and gets out on the water on her own at least once a week.  Watch the video below to let her tell you her MBAC story:

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