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Check out our highlight reel from last summer and get excited for camp!

MBAC camp staff sail trainingCamp is right around the corner!

Our favorite season at The Watersports Camp is finally here and we have been hard at work preparing for another fun-filled summer.  This video features some of last year’s highlights and is sure to get you stoked for camp to begin!

If these clips don’t get you excited for camp, what will?

The Watersports Camp at Mission Bay Aquatic Center is one of the largest of its kind in the world. Thousands of campers have attended in hopes of learning a new watersport, and have left with so much more. Campers are sure to develop a greater appreciation of the ocean, create new friendships that can last a lifetime, and have an unforgettable experience.

There are activities for adventure seekers like wakeboarding, surfing and sailing, as well as stand up paddling and kayaking for those who prefer more relaxed activities.  Intro to Watersports is perfect for first time campers between the ages of 6-8 looking to learn the ins and outs of being a watersports camper.   

For the science enthusiast we have been hard at work redeveloping our marine science camp, where campers will explore the ocean through the eyes of a scientist.   There are various hands-on learning opportunities including a new build-it-yourself underwater ROV activity!  This camp aims to foster a long-term appreciation and connection to the ocean for the next generation of scientists, advocates, and citizens.

We’re looking forward to plenty of good times with you on the water this summer!  Register today at! 

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