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Summer’s SDSU Surfing Experience

Last spring SDSU biology student Summer Williams took part in one of our semester-long surfing classes. Her weekly surfing class served as a much-needed break from her otherwise stressful studies.  Originally from the Midwest, Summer never imagined that she would have the chance to learn how to surf in America’s Finest City while also earning a grade. 

One day a week she traveled to the Mission Bay Aquatic Center with her friends where they learned how to surf under the supervision and instruction of our qualified surfing instructors. Summer appreciated that her instructors were always full of encouragement and excitement and wanted to see her succeed.

 “A lot of schools don’t have a program like this.” says summer.  “Being able to be involved in this class enhanced my college experience in a magnificent way.”  

To hear about Summer’s experience learning to surf, and what she liked most about her class, check out her full video interview!

This spring you have the opportunity to enjoy the same experience that Summer had. In addition to surfing, Mission Bay Aquatic Center offers many other ENS watersports classes which SDSU and USD students can take for credit or anyone can take for fun. View the Spring 2019 schedule here.


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