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ENS Student Spotlight: Brandon Lim

ENS Student Brandon LimSemester-long ENS watersport classes at Mission Bay Aquatic Center are among the most unique and rewarding opportunities for  students in San Diego to enhance their college experience.  But don’t take our word for it; read below about Brandon Lim’s experience taking a surfing class this past fall.

Q: What ENS class are you taking this semester?

A: Surfing.

Q: How did you find out about ENS watersports classes?

A: I found out about ENS watersports classes from a bunch of my friends who took a surfing class last semester and shared their experiences of developing amazing skills throughout the semester’s lessons.

Q: What made you want to participate in an ENS watersports class?

A: I had tried surfing before, but I wanted to develop my skills further through this class. I’m glad to say this class made me much more comfortable and confident with my abilities in the water.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your class?

A: Surfing is a uniquely beautiful experience. I remember the time I caught my first “good wave.” It felt like the power of the ocean was rolling beneath my board. There’s nothing like that feeling.

Q: What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome in your class?

A: At first, I struggled to stand up on my board, but as time went by, and the instructors gave me a few pointers to fix my form, I was catching waves in no time.

Q: What has been the biggest surprise about your class?

A: Since I’m in the last class of the day I get to see the most beautiful sunsets. Catching waves with the best backdrop in the world is my favorite experience.

Q: Would you recommend this class to other students?

A: I would recommend this class to anyone looking to try something new and exciting. It’s a once in a lifetime experience to learn surfing while earning college credit.

If you would like to have an experience similar to Brandon’s, sign up for one of our Spring semester-long ENS classes here:

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