Student Story: How surfing changed my semester

As a nursing student, my semesters are usually filled with endless hours of studying and stressful course loads.  This last fall, I decided to add a semester-long ENS Surfing course to my load, and it was the best decision I could have made. No matter what I had going on in my week (exams, group projects, papers, etc.), I could always count on having my Wednesdays out on the ocean to put me in a good mood and in the right mindset.

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How to get to MBAC from SDSU

One of the most frequently asked questions about ENS watersports classes is “How do I get there from campus?” More and more students are coming to SDSU without a car, and beginning Fall 2019 incoming freshman living on campus will not be permitted to have a car their first year. While it might seem like not having a car is a roadblock to taking a class off campus, there are plenty of other ways to get from SDSU to Mission Bay Aquatic Center, and we have listed them below.

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Eva Huber

ENS Student Spotlight: Eva Huber

As a construction engineering major, SDSU freshman, Eva Huber, sought to find a class that would add some fun to her first semester of college. With her new roommate, Caitlin, they each signed up for a surfing class. Early on in the semester they both realized how much fun the class was and that they wanted to enjoy it together. They began attending each other’s surfing classes and coming to class at least twice every week. What was the last university class you wanted to attend more than the required amount? Through surfing their friendship became stronger and they are excited to take Intermediate Surfing together this spring. Read about Eva’s entire ENS semester-long Surfing class experience…

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