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What we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving coming up right around the corner, we thought that now would be the best time to take a break from eating our Halloween candy and tell you about all the things we are thankful for. Hopefully this Turkey Day you are able to spend time with friends and family and share what you are thankful for. So that’s what we’re doing now.  Humor us for a moment and imagine us sitting around the table as we tell you what we are thankful for this year.

What We’re Thankful for in 2013

  1. #1 is YOU, our loyal customers!  2013 has been a great year so far, and we couldn’t have done any of it without you. Many of you came and tested your balance on a stand up paddleboard, completed your Keelboat Certification and are now certified sailors able to charter sailboats, or have even reached a lifetime goal and learned how to surf with us. Whatever you did here this year, we greatly appreciate your business and are grateful that you are spreading the word about all of our fantastic programs.
  2. MBAC Donors. Every year we receive generous donations from individual donors and organizations to help support programs we do for the community.  There are many examples of generous donors supporting MBAC to be thankful for this year.  Former instructor and long-time MBAC supporter, Paul Kerr, generously donated funds for the purchase of a keelboat, increasing the capacity of our Keelboat Sailing program . We also received generous grants from the California Department of Boating and Waterways, the Torrey Pines Kiwanis, and the San Diego Yacht Club Sailing Foundation which funded over 95 camperships to The Watersports Camp for deserving at-risk and underserved youth. This month, the Torrey Pines Kiwanis also committed a grant for the purchase of a new jetski for use in our many accessible watersports events for persons with disabilities. Of course we would not want to forget the camp parents who through small contributions during registration funded 5 full camperships for underserved youth.  Thank you so much to those that contributed this year to help us further serve the community.
  3. Our Instructors. None of what we do would be possible without our talented and hard-working instructors, many of whom spend long hours in the outdoor elements while always keeping a smile. They diligently attend rigorous training throughout the year and strive to provide the safest environment for learning. They also work to enhance their skills and teaching ability by practicing the sports that they teach on their own time.
  4. Great San Diego Weather. We have been lucky to have Mother Nature on our side this year. With little rain and warm temperatures we have been able to keep doing what we love all year long. We hope we didn’t just jinx it (knock on wood)  and that the great weather continues so you can stay in and on the water!

That’s a small sampling of the many things we are thankful for this year.  What are you thankful for?   Let us know in the comment section below!

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