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Help Us Clean the Beach November 15

One of our goals at MBAC is to give back to the community by doing our part to keep Mission Bay trash-free by by completing at least 3 beach cleanups every year as part of I Love a Clean San Diego’s Adopt-A-Beach Program. We are proud to be recognized as the official adopter of Santa Clara Point.  We greatly appreciate the support from over 250 volunteers that helped us contribute over 500 volunteer hours to keeping Santa Clara Point a beautiful playground for all to enjoy over the past few years.

You too can to contribute to keeping our outdoor playground clean by joining us for a beach cleanup on Sunday, November 15th from 9am-12pm.  Together we will be combing the beach and bay area picking up litter and trash that others have left behind. By doing our part to show others the importance of maintaining our beaches we can encourage them to think twice before littering.  We sincerely appreciate your help to continue to keep our beautiful San Diego beaches beautiful!

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