cleaning up the beach

Celebrate Earth Day at our beach cleanup

In celebration of Earth Day we will be hosting a beach cleanup on Sunday, April 19th, 9am-12pm. Bring your friends or family down to Mission Bay Aquatic Center where we will have all the supplies needed for you to help in our effort to keep our beach and bay areas clean and beautiful for all to enjoy. Since we began hosting beach cleanups we have had over 200 volunteers pick up nearly 200 pounds of trash off our local beaches. Read More


MBAC and Aztec Adventures present an adventure film double feature at the new Aztec Student Union

On March 4th, the Mission Bay Aquatic Center and Aztec Adventures are celebrating the opening of the new Aztec Student Union on the SDSU campus with a movie night presentation of  the films Slow is Fast and 180 Degrees South.  The event is one of many Student Union Grand Dedication Week events and is sure to be a fun one with giveaways, raffle prizes, and a great adventure film double feature. Read More

MBAC LEED certification helps remove invasive species from SDSU’s Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve

Santa Margarita River Fly-over from City of Temecula on Vimeo.

As part of the Associated Students MBAC LEED Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance certification we are removing invasive plant species at SDSU’s Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve north of Fallbrook.  This effort will help offset the land area occupied by the Mission Bay Aquatic Center. Read More