Already excited about some watersports fun this spring semester? We are too! That’s why we are excited to offer an Earlybird Special where you can save 10% when you register for any Spring 2016 ENS class by December 14. Read More
Category: ENS Classes

Introducing wakesurfing this fall!
We are excited to announce that we are now offering ENS 138 Wakesurfing as a college credit class starting this fall! Wakesurfing is a watersport that has risen in popularity as of recent years, and offers a unique, fun way to ride a boat’s wake, aka the perfect endless wave. Our new boats include the Nautique Surf System (NSS) where with a push of a button transforms the wake into a carvable face, giving the rider the ability to surf behind the boat without a rope. Read More

Sail, Surf, or SUP for credit this spring
It’s still not too late to sign up for one of our popular Spring college credit classes. These semester-long classes, beginning on January 21 and running through May 5, are by far the best value we have to offer. Escape from all the stress of the classroom or lab each week and enjoy learning on or in the water. Read More

Tweet #igotcredit to win!
Let the world know you got credit for watersports with #igotcredit for a chance to win a free credit class this fall semester! Read More

Don’t forget to add your college credit watersports class this semester
School doesn’t get much better than being outdoors, on-the-water, learning a new and fun activity you can enjoy for a lifetime. Every semester, over 1,000 students earn college credit in one of the 122 sessions of semester-long college credit watersports classes offered at MBAC. Read More

Earlybird discount for spring 2014 college credit classes
There is no better time to get on the water in San Diego than the spring. There is no better time to take advantage of that opportunity than in our spring college credit classes. AND there is no better time to register for your class at MBAC than now where you will receive 10% off any and all college credit classes if you sign up before the last day of the Fall 2013 semester (December 8th). Read More