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Fall semester classes enrolling now

ENS Surfing students

Biology? Check. Mathematics? Check. Surfing? Sailing? Wakeboarding? If you’ve already registered for your fall semester-long class, then… check. If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

Our semester-long classes are a great opportunity for a weekly escape from your rigorous schedule as you head to the water for some YOU time. Whether you are an SDSU or USD student taking the class for credit, are not a student, or not interested in taking the class for credit, these classes are the perfect balance of value and fun to shape your fall season.

Stressed about your semester? In 2018, 90% of students surveyed indicated that participating in a watersports class contributed to their overall well-being, and 86% indicated that taking a class at MBAC helped reduce stress overall.

To learn more and register visit today!

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