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New STEM Explorations Activities!

Watershed model

We are excited to offer new and exciting programs that teach, inspire and are FUN! STEM Explorations activities use hands-on outdoor activities to encourage student led learning and inspire interest in STEM through watersport and ocean appreciation. 

There are three different activities where participants can design and build an underwater ROV, learn how they can protect the oceans, or can look at water through the eyes of a scientist.

Stem Explorations – Think Like a Scientist

In this activity students will learn to think like a scientist while exploring the different characteristics researchers look at when testing water quality. Using the different tools and techniques that scientists use to collect data and the measure salinity, temperature, turbidity, specific gravity and pH of the water at the Mission Bay Aquatic Center.  Students will then paddle as a group to plot and compare results from testing at various locations on the bay.  After this course students will have experience collecting, recording and visualizing data as part of their own mini research project.

 Stem Explorations – ROV Design Challenge

This hands-on activity explores the challenges in designing vehicles for researchers explore the deep ocean. Students will work as a team to plan, build, and test their own underwater remote operated vehicles (ROV). Students will get to deploy their ROVs and improve their designs through trial and error. This activity will focus on the circular experiential learning model of plan > do > AHA! > reflect > plan.

Stem Explorations – The Ocean, Clean Water and You

In this activity students will participate in hands-on games and activities designed to explore the relationship between humans and the ocean. Using a model San Diego watershed students learn steps that they can take in their own lives to protect the ocean. They will also play games illustrating the amount of time it takes for common trash items to decompose, and a game that shows how small things can have a dramatic impact on the oceans and even things as big as a whale! Students will then grab their collection bags and participate in an on-the-water cleanup on kayaks and paddle boards. At the completion of this program students will know the steps they can take to be good stewards of the environment and feel empowered to facilitate change.

STEM Explorations Package

These activities can be registered for individually, or you can save $30 by purchasing our STEM Explorations Package which includes all three.

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