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New sculling equipment arrives at MBAC

For decades thousands of beginning scullers experienced their first strokes as a rower in one of MBAC’s wherry rowing shells.  Marking an end of an era, and the beginning of a new chapter, MBAC has replaced it’s fleet of aging wherries with new modern sculling shells designed to be easy to learn on and a pleasure to row as you grow in experience.

The new fleet consists of Edon TS515 shells with the Dreher sculling oars.  Built with similar construction to a kayak, the boats are durable, responsive, and have surprised many experienced rowers who were happy with their performance.   The feedback is that the boat moves effortlessly through the water and makes for a very meditative experience.

For those of you looking to experience these new rowing shells, our Sculling Level 1 class will provide you with the skills to feel confident rowing your own boat. These classes are instructed by our very experienced and friendly rowing instructors who are there to help guide you with your newfound sport, or give you a few pointers if you want a refresher on rowing.  We offer beginner to advanced classes that can be purchased as a package to save you money.

Once you complete the sculling classes, your instructor will check you off so you will able to rent the shells on your own. Rentals can also be purchased as a discounted package.

Be one of the first customers to experience the amazing new rowing shells and sign up for a sculling class today!

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