Laura Carney came to Mission Bay Aquatic Center through her inspiring journey of completing her late father’s bucket list that was discovered after he passed. We had the opportunity to help Laura cross off her father’s goal of “learning to sail by myself” when she took our Basic Sailing class in October. Laura has been documenting her progress finishing the bucket list through her blog, “myfatherslist,” and Instagram @myfatherslist. She is currently writing a book about her experience. She shared with us her inspiration to start her blog as well as her exciting adventure in learning to sail.
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Budenz family provides gift of campership
The Major Andy Budenz Memorial Campership, in memorial of a past member of the MBAC team, provides access to camp for children of a US service member who has been deployed, injured or is otherwise in need. This holiday, rather than giving each other Christmas gifts, the Budenz family chose to contribute to expanding the reach of the campership set up in Andy’s honor.
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ENS Student Spotlight: Eva Huber
As a construction engineering major, SDSU freshman, Eva Huber, sought to find a class that would add some fun to her first semester of college. With her new roommate, Caitlin, they each signed up for a surfing class. Early on in the semester they both realized how much fun the class was and that they wanted to enjoy it together. They began attending each other’s surfing classes and coming to class at least twice every week. What was the last university class you wanted to attend more than the required amount? Through surfing their friendship became stronger and they are excited to take Intermediate Surfing together this spring. Read about Eva’s entire ENS semester-long Surfing class experience…
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Glen Brandenburg celebrates 101 semesters of service
Glen Brandenburg, Associated Students’ Director of Facilities and Sustainability, and founder of the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, was recently recognized for his 45 years of service to SDSU and the community. Starting as a freshman in 1968, Glen’s contributions to the SDSU community include the founding of the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, and the maintenance of 500,000 sq. ft. of facilities and energy efficiency and renewable energy projects on the San Diego State University campus.
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ENS Student Spotlight: Brandon Lim
Semester-long ENS watersport classes at Mission Bay Aquatic Center are among the most unique and rewarding opportunities for students in San Diego to enhance their college experience. But don’t take our word for it; read below about Brandon Lim’s experience taking a surfing class this past fall.

MBAC Story: ENS Student-Summer Gray
We love watching students in our ENS watersports classes grow and excel in the sport of their choice, however, there’s perhaps no greater reward than seeing the beginnings of life-long friendships and memories being made. In this MBAC Story, we talk to SDSU Sustainability major, Summer Gray, about her experience learning to surf in a semester-long surfing class this fall. Read More