Student Story: How surfing changed my semester

As a nursing student, my semesters are usually filled with endless hours of studying and stressful course loads.  This last fall, I decided to add a semester-long ENS Surfing course to my load, and it was the best decision I could have made. No matter what I had going on in my week (exams, group projects, papers, etc.), I could always count on having my Wednesdays out on the ocean to put me in a good mood and in the right mindset.

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Surf saga begins at MBAC

Lauren Wilson will be moving down under this fall to get work experience and to surf. The recent SDSU grad and MBAC surfing instructor is looking forward to spending our winter months (the southern hemisphere’s summer) surfing the waves off the Australian coast. She has come a long way since taking her first class at MBAC where her goal was to confront her fear of the water. Read More